༄། ཁོ་ལོ་ར་ཊོ་བོདམིའི་སྤྱི་མཐུན་ཚོགས་པའི་བོད་ཀྱི་སྐད་ཡིག་དང་རིག་གཞུང་སློབ་གྲྭ།
Tibetan Cultural School, Colorado

Click the link below to enroll in TCS:

Please Note:
Enrollment forms will only be accepted during the designated open enrollment period from July 1st to 15th. The Tibetan Association of Colorado will email community members to announce the start of enrollment. Please note that no paper forms will be accepted, and no online forms will be accepted after the deadline. The Tibetan Cultural School will also send an email to all parents regarding the open enrollment. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kindergarten (Ngondro) Enrollment Policy:
TCS will strictly enforce the enrollment age policy requiring children to be five years old by October 1st to enroll in kindergarten. This guideline aligns with Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) regulations and was unanimously agreed upon by parents during the September 15th, 2024 Parent Committee meeting. It will be upheld without exception.